The Giclee Print




Giclee printing is a type of inkjet printing, but not all inkjet prints are Giclee prints. Giclee printing is meant to produce a product at a higher quality and with longer lifespan than a standard inkjet printer.

Originally, Giclee was used to describe digital reproductions of convention artworks or photographs. Today, it is generally accepted that a Glicee print can be a work entirely in a digital workflow on a modern computer application like Adobe Photoshop.

For our workflow we use Epson printers , Epson Utra Chrome K3 inks and print on Hahnemuehle papers.

Original works are scanned on high resolution flatbed scanners or, for larger pieces, Photographed with high resolution digital cameras.

Contact for prices.




Link To Glicee Gallery. Examples of prints made of  works by local artists Jamie McClanahan and H.J. Ferguson.